Dependent Child

Dependent Child

Sponsoring a dependent child to become a permanent resident of Canada can be a complex process. If you're a Canadian citizen or permanent resident looking to sponsor your dependent child, GoldOX World can help.

To qualify as a dependent child:

  • Your child must be under 22 years old and not have a spouse or common-law partner.
  • If your child is 22 years old or older, they must be unable to financially support themselves due to a mental or physical condition and have depended on you for financial support since before the age of 22.
    • Once your child is deemed eligible as a dependent, you can sponsor them to come to Canada as a permanent resident. You can also sponsor your spouse or partner and their child, as long as the child meets the dependent child requirements.

      To sponsor a dependent child, you'll need to submit an application under the Family Class. Our team can assist you in preparing and submitting your application, ensuring that all requirements are met and that your application is completed accurately and efficiently.

      If you're ready to sponsor your dependent child, contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our immigration experts. We'll guide you through the process and help you reunite with your loved ones in Canada.

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